Mentha, also known as Mint, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae.
The species are not clearly distinct and estimates of the number of species varies from 13 to 18.
Hybridization between some of the species occurs naturally.
Many other hybrids as well as numerous cultivars are known in cultivation.
The genus has a subcosmopolitan distribution across Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and North America.
Mints are aromatic, almost exclusively perennial, rarely annual, herbs.
They have wide-spreading underground and overground stolons and erect, square,branched stems.
The leaves are arranged in opposite pairs, from oblong to lanceolate, often downy, and with a serrate margin.
Leaf colors range from dark green and gray-green to purple, blue, and sometimes pale yellow.
The flowers are white to purple.
The fruit is a small, dry capsule containing one to four seeds.
While the species that make up the Mentha genus are widely distributed and can be found in many environments, most Mentha grow best in wet environments and moist soils.
Mints will grow 10–120 cm tall and can spread over an indeterminate area.
Due to their tendency to spread unchecked, mints are considered invasive.
The leaf, fresh or dried, is the culinary source of mint.
Fresh mint is usually preferred over dried mint when storage of the mint is not a problem.
The leaves have a pleasant warm, fresh, aromatic, sweet flavor with a cool aftertaste.
Mint leaves are used in teas, beverages, jellies, syrups, candies, and ice creams.
In Middle Eastern cuisine, mint is used on lamb dishes, while in British cuisine and American cuisine, mint sauce and mint jelly are used, respectively.
Mint is a necessary ingredient in Touareg tea, a popular tea in northern African and Arab countries.
Alcoholic drinks sometimes feature mint for flavor or garnish, such as the Mint Julep and the Mojito.
Crème de menthe is a mint-flavored liqueur used in drinks such as the grasshopper.
Mint essential oil and menthol are extensively used as flavorings in breath fresheners, drinks, antiseptic mouth rinses, toothpaste, chewing gum, desserts, and candies.
The substances that give the mints their characteristic aromas and flavors are menthol and pulegone.
The compound primarily responsible for the aroma and flavor of spearmint is R-carvone.
Mint was originally used as a medicinal herb to treat stomach ache and chest pains, and it is commonly used in the form of tea as a home remedy to help alleviate stomach pain.
During the Middle Ages, powdered mint leaves were used to whiten teeth. Mint tea is a strong diuretic.
Menthol from mint essential oil is an ingredient of many cosmetics and some perfumes.
Menthol and mint essential oil are also much used in medicine as a component of many drugs, and are very popular in aromatherapy.
Mint is also used in some shampoo products.
A common use is as an antipruritic, especially in insect bite treatments.
Menthol is also used in cigarettes as an additive, because it blocks out the bitter taste of tobacco and soothes the throat.
The strong, sharp flavor and scent of mint is sometimes used as a mild decongestant for illnesses such as the common cold.